?ABC Harry Potter and the Sorcerer\s Stone Free

7.7 / 10
Votes: 51

∑ABC Harry Potter and the Sorcerer"s Stone Free



Average Rating: 8,4 / 10
genres: Adventure
Country: USA
Year: 2001
Abstract: Harry Potter is an average bespectacled eleven-year-old boy who has lived with the Dursley family ever since his parents died in a car crash. For some reason, the family has always mistreated him. On his eleventh birthday, a giant man named Rubeus Hagrid (Robbie Coltrane) hands him a letter telling him that he has been accepted as a student at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Harry learns that his parents were wizards and were killed by the evil wizard Voldemort (Richard Bremmer), a truth that was hidden from him all these years. He embarks for his new life as a student, gathering two good friends Ron Weasley (Rupert Grint) and Hermione Granger (Emma Watson) along the way. They soon learn that something very valuable is hidden somewhere inside the school and Voldemort is very anxious to lay his hands on it
writed by: Steve Kloves

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In the book, doesn"t dumbledore say, nitwit, blubber, oddment, tweak, like for people who agree. Lol Fred and George and Percy are all over. I was waving stick around something shot out broken handle of a mug. Wait all of these clips are inside of my harry potter movie and i watched this with my sister and she is confused that these clips were in the movie. This scenario has happened to me but in a different way and of course i was in harrys situation, this scene made me cry, it reminded me when there was no way for me to do anything but lots of people and things didnt give up to rescue me and set me free from what i was suffering from...

2:25 Vernon: Not one letter today, no sir. lots of letter fly in Me: yeah not one letter but a million letters. In the book, Hagrid tried to turn Dudley completely into a pig. Didn"t work. Its called the philosopher stone, thats how I remember it.

Mr Olivander is such an underrated character.


You think the dursleys would be glad to get rid of Harry for the school year by the way they treat him.
This contradicts Hagrid not being allowed to use magic, and his wand being snapped in half. But he can produce magic from his umbrella? I thought Tom got him in trouble for the spider but it was really the bassalik snake in the chamber of secrets. Even though Hagrid didn"t do it he still lost his wand and use of magic. And on top of that I thought they weren"t allowed to use magic in front of muggles. Sure the Dursleys are aware of magic because of Lily but it"s still a magical world law.
Only 10 points for taking down a troll that was deemed a threat to students by Dumbledore? This point awarding system is flawed.

I dunno why but feels like ollivander was making puns. I WANDered

Has no one notice that the War Doctor gives Harry his wand knowing that in the future it will come in handy.
Who else felt so bad for Harry, you just wanted to give him a massive hug.

Dracos turn: SLITHEREN Boy didnt even touch his head he must be that evil ??. 2:10 I love how the hat just looks at Malfoy and is like UGH not him. Yep, that"s the one this wand? yes, this one. “What would you like to do if you had a magical power” “Kill you” “Kill the camera?” “No. You.” “He means the camera.” - Dan & Rupert 2001. Why on earth would harry rub the troll mucus on his robe. i mean the sink is just a couple of feets away from him. Poor harry he never got to eat the cake.